"The problem with doing nothing is not knowing when you are finished." - Rabbi Sharfman ...
A Bat-Melech (princess) uses her time wisely.
So many times we hear people saying these two words: "I'm bored" .
its human nature to want to be comfortable, but we also want to be productive (some of us may not be in touch with this natural desire, but its there). That sense of accomplishment you feel after you finish your term paper that you worked really hard and will do well on? thats not only relief that its done, thats your sense of satisfaction at having done something productive with your time.
Hash-m placed us each in this world with a purpose. And our Neshamot all feel that deep down inside.
So really there should never be a moment where someone is bored, or doing something unproductive (like watching TV for extended periods of time). There IS something that can be done with a persons time that doesn't require staring at a screen (TV, computer, smart phone.. take your pick). When you have extra time on your hands, instead of being on facebook for hours on end, watching pointless movies, TV show reruns, or BBMing ten people at once, that time can get used for something beneficial. It can be something as simple as cleaning your room, or even just sitting down with yourself and reflecting on your middot (characteristics) that can use improvement (such as patience, not speaking lashon hara (slander), etc. But take it from personal experience, those actions are a lot more self-rewarding than not doing anything at all, although your Yetzer Hara might tell you otherwise.
So next time you start thinking about how bored you are, remember how the time Hash-m gave you is valuable and just might be able to be used on something more productive than what you are doing at that present moment. Trust me. It feels good to give in to the Yetzer Tov.
O and Ps. :
PRINCESS Haya of Dubai :
Yes. Modest clothing AND her hair is covered. I aspire to be like royalty, do you?
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