Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tzniut And Sexy Don't Go Together, BARUCH HASHEM For This Cold Weather

Orthodox Dress Gets Sexy from Jewish Daily Forward on Vimeo.

I am APPALLED by the comments made in this video. I am in shock and shattered by the outlook found within my fellow Jewish sisters.
Tzniut Can Be Sexy?

I beg to differ.

Of course a Jewish woman should try her best to still look attractive, but to go to the extent of wearing tight, revealing clothing, and flaunting different body parts IS NOT TZNIUT.

Even if a person's skirt reaches their knees, their shirt covers their collarbone, and their sleeves cover their elbows, it is possible that they still aren't tzniut.
Different patterns, colors, and designs can very easily attract the wrong type of attention. This is when attractive turns into attracting.

We don't want that. Hashem doesn't want that.

I'm not trying to be harsh, I know that Tzniut is the area where almost every girl struggles. It's our weakness. BUT, to think that you can bend Halacha and still keep it? That's wrong. And that's why this video bothered me so much.
If these women were to say "Tzniut is difficult. This is the level we're holding.. But we hope to reach a greater level" I'd be so inspired! But the fact of the matter is, these women show pride and a sense of leadership. And these woman should not be leaders to the women of Klal Yisroel.

"Tzniut is sexy" IS an oxy-moron.

Unfortunately, when women are told, "Oh my gosh, you look so hot/sexy!"... They get excited. They take it as a compliment!
But is it?...

When being told such things, do we take a look at ourselves and ask, 'Am i giving off that impression? Does my level of Tzniut need to be worked on?'

This is a VERY high level to be on. We should IY'H aim for such a level!

I want to share a story that hit me very hard:
The Chasam Sofer had a daughter named Gittel who was very pretty. Once she was walking outside and noticed that a man was walking behind her in order to gaze at her. This disturbed her greatly and she came into her father’s house and started tearfully reciting Tehillim. Her father came over to her and asked why she was crying. She told him what had happened and that she was upset because her beauty was causing others to stumble. She decided to pray to Hashem to take away her beauty so it would no longer bring people to sin.

Are we even CLOSE to such a level?
Majority of women purposely dress in ways to GET attention. When a girl notices that she’s getting male attention, the last thought on a her mind is “Wow, I wish I was uglier so guys wouldn’t stumble because of me.”

Such a thought is unheard of! Sadly, one would be ridiculed for thinking such thoughts!
But the reality of it is.. We should try to attain such a level.

Be'ezrat Hashem, in the zechut of Chanukah, we should try to reach such a level. And in that merit, we should bring Moshiach, bimhera byamenu.

Chanukah Sameah!
-MK from dvashdvar.blogspot.com


  1. wow !!! i love it!! so true, i agree 100% !!!!! yasher koach, this is great!! im honored to have you write on my blog, youre amazing!!! love youuuu

  2. Thank you! B"H It's a zechut to write on it!!!
    I love you more!!!!!

